Your Attitude Toward the Lord’s Return Decides Whether You Can Get God’s True Salvation
Currently, the coronavirus is still spreading, a huge disaster to the entire world. Many people are facing the danger of being infected and unable to survive for a shortage of food. Many pious believers could only cry out to the Lord, hoping the Lord to come back soon to end this suffering and bring all people into the kingdom of heaven. Just as we are earnestly crying out, we heard the good message of the descending of the kingdom of heaven spread by many people around the world. They are testifying that the Lord has already descended in secret long ago, has expressed the truth and carried out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and has made a group of overcomers before the disaster. How will you make a choice upon hearing this message?
Look back to the time when Jonah proclaimed Jehovah God’s words to the Ninevites, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jonah 3:4). At that time, all Ninevites from the king to the common people confessed and repented in sackcloth and ashes because they believed in God’s words. Their true repentance to God allowed them to obtain God’s mercy and escape from destruction. Similarly, in the time of Noah, God wanted to destroy that evil world with a flood, so He called upon Noah to build an ark and asked him to preach the gospel and tell others to enter the ark. However, this message was spread for over 100 years yet they didn’t believe and even ridiculed Noah and said he was mad. When the flood came, all those people fell into the disaster and were destroyed.
From this, we can see the different outcomes of two different types of people who have different attitudes toward God: Blessed are those who hear someone convey God’s word and purely believe in it; destroyed are those who are full of doubts, cling to their notions, and even resist and condemn God’s work.
God says, “The return of Jesus is a great salvation for those who are capable of accepting the truth, but for those who are unable to accept the truth it is a sign of condemnation. You should choose your own path, and should not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and reject the truth. You should not be an ignorant and arrogant person, but someone who obeys the guidance of the Holy Spirit and longs for and seeks the truth; only in this way will you benefit. I advise you to tread the path of belief in God with care. Do not jump to conclusions; what is more, do not be casual and thoughtless in your belief in God. You should know that, at the very least, those who believe in God should be humble and reverential. Those who have heard the truth and yet turn their nose up at it are foolish and ignorant. Those who have heard the truth and yet carelessly jump to conclusions or condemn it are beset by arrogance. No one who believes in Jesus is qualified to curse or condemn others. You should all be someone with sense and who accepts the truth. Perhaps, having heard the way of truth and having read the word of life, you believe that only one in 10,000 of these words are in line with your convictions and the Bible, and then you should continue to seek in that 10,000th of these words. I still advise you to be humble, to not be over-confident, and to not exalt yourself too highly. With your heart holding such meager reverence for God, you will gain greater light. If you carefully examine and repeatedly contemplate these words, you shall understand whether or not they are the truth, and whether or not they are life.”
» Extended Reading:
Now disasters are becoming more and more serious. Only if we truly repent to God can we gain God’s guidance during disasters so that we can have a way forward and be raptured into the heavenly Kingdom. Many believers in the Lord have such confusions: We often confess our sins and repent to the Lord in tears, but we still live in a cycle of sinning and confessing, unable to extricate ourselves. Is this true repentance? Can we who often sin and do not truly repent be qualified to enter the Kingdom of heaven? Here we select Bible verses about repentance and related content to help brothers and sisters who are truly waiting for the Lord’s return find the way to escape sin, achieve true repentance, and enter the Kingdom of heaven.
The Lord has come back. Want to know how to welcome Him and be raptured before the disasters? Click here to discuss with us.