People who await the Lord’s return are crying: “The Lord Jesus Christ, please come back soon!”


“Many times I look up into the sky, longing for You to descend with clouds to fulfill Your promise. Many times I pray to You in tears: O Lord, my loved Lord! Where are You now? How I hope that You will come back soon to take me to the heavenly kingdom, so I can be with You forever!”

As longing for the Lord’s return genuinely, do you often make such prayers? Especially now that disasters are constant and life gets harder, believers desperately yearn for the Lord to return soon and save man from painful life. But did you know? The Lord has already returned and expressed millions of words to do the work of judgment and purification. God intends to make a group of overcomers before great disasters, so that they can be brought to the kingdom of heaven and inherit God’s promises. When God’s work of purification in the last days comes to an end, God will send down great catastrophes to reward the good and punish the evil, and then openly appear with clouds to all nations and peoples. This will fulfill the prophecy in Revelation, “Behold, He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7). Some people refuse to accept God’s work of the last days, and even resist and condemn it; they will suffer in the disasters, crying and gnashing their teeth. So if we wait for the Lord’s return by only gazing at the sky, but don’t seek the utterances of the returned Lord to accept God’s salvation in the last days, it will be very easy for us to be abandoned by the Lord and swept up in the great disasters. Friends, don’t you think we should hurry to seek the words of the returned Lord and welcome Him as quickly as possible? If you agree with that, please leave a comment with Amen. You are also welcome to contact us via Messenger. Let’s fellowship about how to welcome the Lord’s return.




Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus

Do you want to welcome the Lord Jesus? Do you want to be raptured before the disasters? Our website provides messages about the second coming of Christ.