The Word Accomplishes Everything


God speaks words and does works according to different ages. According to different ages, he speaks different words. God does not keep regulations or repeat his work, and he does not linger upon the past. He is an ever-new and never-old God and speaks new words every day. You should keep all that you should keep today. This is man’s responsibility and duty. Practice according to God’s present light and practical word. This is crucial. God does not keep regulations. He can speak in various positions, manifesting his wisdom and almightiness. Whether he speaks in the position of the Spirit, in the position of man, or in the position of a third party, God is God. You cannot say that he is not God because he speaks in the position of man. Some people have notions because God speaks in different positions. Such people have no knowledge of God and have no knowledge of God’s work. If God always speaks in one position, won’t man circumscribe him? Will God allow man to circumscribe him? No matter in which position he speaks, he has his purpose. If God always speaks in the position of the Spirit, can you contact him? So, he speaks in the position of a third party to supply you and lead you into reality. All that God does is proper. In any case, it is done by God. Do not have doubts. As he is God, no matter in which position he speaks, he is God. This is a never-changing truth. No matter how he works, he is God. God’s substance will not change! Peter loved God so much and was after God’s heart, but God did not testify that he was the Lord or the Christ. This is because one’s substance determines who he is, which is unchangeable. God does not keep regulations in doing his work, and he achieves the results through various ways of working, so that people can know him better. His every way of working is for helping people know him and is for perfecting people. No matter in what way he works, it is for edifying people and perfecting people. Maybe his one way of working continues for a long time, but it is for tempering people’s faith. So do not have doubts. All these are the steps of God’s work, and you have to obey them.

Now we talk about entering into reality. We do not talk about going to heaven or reigning and ruling but just talk about pursuing to enter into reality. It is most practical to pursue this. If we talk about reigning and ruling, it is not realistic. People have great curiosity, and they still measure God’s work of today by their religious notions. Having experienced so many ways of working, they still do not know God’s work, still seek signs and wonders, and still watch whether God’s words will be fulfilled. Aren’t they too blind? If God’s words are not fulfilled, do you still believe that he is God? Now there are many such people in the church who are waiting to see signs and wonders. They say that if God’s words are fulfilled, he is God, but if not, he is not God. Then do you believe in him because his words are fulfilled or because he is God Godself? You should set your viewpoint of believing in God right! If, seeing that God’s words are not fulfilled, you run away, are you a believer in God? Since you believe in God, you should let God manipulate in everything and obey all God’s work. In the Old Testament God spoke so many words, and which of them have you seen fulfilled with your own eyes? Can you say that Jehovah is not God because you have not seen? Some people, seeing that God’s words have not been fulfilled, want to run away. Whoever wants to run away, just do it; no one will stop you! You may have a try and see if you can make it. Even if you run away, you will have to turn back later. God controls you with his word. You cannot live if you leave the church or leave God’s word. If you do not believe this, you may experience it. Do you think that you can leave as you like? God’s Spirit controls you, and you cannot leave. This is God’s administration! Some people want to have a try. Just go ahead! If you say that this person is not God, you may do something that offends God and see what he will do. Maybe your flesh will not die, and you still can eat and dress yourself, but you will feel unbearably miserable in your heart, feeling oppressed and suffering mentally. This is the greatest suffering. Mental torture and wreck is unbearable for man. If your flesh suffers, you may be able to endure it. But if you are mentally oppressed and are tortured for a long time, you simply cannot bear it. Now you cannot see any signs and wonders, but none of you can run away, because God controls people with his word. Although they cannot touch or see anything and no facts come, they simply cannot run away. Isn’t this something done by God? Today God comes to earth to supply people with life. He will not, as people have imagined, always perform signs and wonders to coax you so as to maintain a peaceful relationship between God and man. All those who do not pay attention to life but expect God to perform signs and wonders are Pharisees! At that time it was the Pharisees who crucified Jesus. Then you measure God according to your viewpoint of believing in God, believing in him if his words are fulfilled but doubting him or even blaspheming him if his words are not fulfilled, so haven’t you crucified God? Such people are all the ones who do not attend to their duty and seek ease and comfort!

The greatest problem with people, on the one hand, is that they do not know God’s work. Although they do not take a denying attitude, they take a doubting attitude. They neither deny it nor completely acknowledge it. If they know God’s work clearly, they will not run away. On the other hand, it is that they know nothing about reality. Now what everyone contacts is God’s word. To tell the truth, do not expect to see any signs and wonders in future. I tell you plainly, at the present period what you can see is just God’s word. Although there are no facts, God’s life can still be wrought into man. In the Millennial Kingdom, God mainly does this work. If you cannot see this work clearly, you will be weak and fall and you all will fall into trials, and the worse ones will be taken captive by satan. God comes to earth mainly to speak words. What you contact is God’s word, what you read is God’s word, what you hear is God’s word, what you observe is God’s word, and what you experience is God’s word. God is incarnated this time mainly to perfect people by his word. He does not perform signs and wonders. In particular, he does not do the work Jesus did. Although they both are God and flesh, their ministries are different. When Jesus came, he also did part of the work and also spoke some words. But what work did he mainly accomplish? He mainly accomplished the work of crucifixion, becoming in the likeness of sinful flesh to accomplish the work of crucifixion and redeem all mankind and becoming a sin offering for the sin of all mankind. He mainly accomplished that work. In the end, he showed the way of the cross to people after him. Jesus came mainly to accomplish the redemptive work, redeeming all mankind and bringing people the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and also bringing the kingdom of heaven. So people after him all said, “We should walk the way of the cross and sacrifice ourselves for the cross.” Of course, at first he did some other works and spoke some words, asking people to repent and confess their sins, but his ministry was to be crucified. He preached for three and a half years, and that was also a preparation for his crucifixion later. Jesus’ several prayers were also for his crucifixion. He lived a normal human life and lived on earth for thirty-three and a half years mainly for the purpose that he could accomplish the work of crucifixion and have the strength to take on that work. So God committed the whole work of crucifixion to him. What work is God incarnated today to accomplish? God is incarnated today mainly to accomplish the work of “the Word appearing in the flesh,” perfecting people by his word and causing people to receive dealing and refining of his word. In his word, you receive supply and life; in his word, you see his works and deeds. God chastises you and refines you by his word. So, even when you suffer, you suffer because of God’s word. Today, God works not by facts but by his word. Only after his word comes to you can the Holy Spirit work on you, causing you to suffer or making you feel sweet. Only God’s word can bring you into reality, and only God’s word can perfect you. So, what you should at least know is that the work God does in the end time is mainly to perfect everyone by his word and lead them by his word. He does all his works by his word, and he does not chastise you by facts. Sometimes some of you resisted God, but God did not make you suffer greatly and your flesh did not suffer chastisement or pain. However, when his word came to you and refined you, you felt it unbearable. Isn’t it true? At the time of “the service-doer,” God said to cast people into the bottomless pit. Did they really fall into the bottomless pit? He just refined them by his word, and they fell into the bottomless pit. So, God is incarnated in the end time mainly to accomplish everything by his word and reveal everything by his word. Only in his word can you see what he is, and only in his word can you see that he is God Godself. When he is incarnated and comes to earth, he does not do any other work but only speaks words. So, it is enough that he just speaks words, without the facts. This is because he comes mainly to do such work, causing people to see his great power, his supremacy, and his humbleness and hiddenness in his word and know his everything in his word. What he is and has is in his word, and his wisdom and wonderfulness are in his word. In his word you see the various ways of God’s speaking. God has been doing his work for so long, and most of it is supplying, disclosing, or dealing. He does not curse anyone lightly. Even if he curses, he curses by his word. So, in this age when God is incarnated, do not expect to see him heal the sick and drive out demons again, and do not always expect to see miracles. It’s no use! Those miracles cannot perfect people! To put it more clearly, the incarnated practical God Godself of today only speaks words but does not do the things. This is the truth! He just perfects you by his word and feeds and waters you with his word. And he does his work by his word and substitutes facts with his word, causing people to know his practicalness. If you see this point about God’s work clearly, you will not easily become passive. You should not pay attention to things on the negative side but should just pay attention to things on the positive side. That is to say, no matter whether God’s words are fulfilled or whether there are the facts coming, God causes people to receive life from his word. This is the greatest miracle and even more an indisputable fact. This is the best evidence through which to know God. And this is a miracle greater than miracles. Only these words can perfect people.

When the Age of the Kingdom began, God began to release his words. In the future, these words will be fulfilled gradually. That will also be the time when people have fully grown in life. God discloses people’s corrupt disposition by his word, and this is more practical and more necessary. He does his work only by his word, and it is also for the purpose of perfecting people’s faith, because now is the Age of the Word, which requires people’s faith and requires people’s will and cooperation. The work God is incarnated to do in the end time is to minister to and supply people with his word. Only after the incarnated God has finished all his words will they begin to be fulfilled. During the time he speaks, his words will not be fulfilled, because his words cannot be fulfilled when he is in the flesh, so that people can see that God is flesh, not Spirit, and see God’s practicalness with their physical eyes. One day, when his work has been finished and he has finished all the words he ought to speak on earth, his words will begin to be fulfilled. Now is not the time for his words to be fulfilled, because he has not finished his words. So, when you see that God is still speaking on earth, do not expect God’s words to be fulfilled. When God no longer speaks words and his work on earth has been finished, his words will begin to be fulfilled. The words he speaks on earth include life supply and prophecies, which prophesy the future things, the things he will do, and the things he has not accomplished. Jesus’ words also include prophecies. On the one hand, he supplied life. On the other hand, he also prophesied. Now the words going together with facts is not talked about, because what people can see with their physical eyes is greatly different from the facts accomplished by God. It can only be said that after God’s work has been finished, his words will be fulfilled, and that the facts are after his words. The incarnated God comes to earth in the end time just to perform the ministry of the word. To perform the ministry of the word means that he just speaks words, and the other things have nothing to do with him. When God’s work turns, his words will begin to be fulfilled. Now he first perfects you by these words. When he gains glory in the entire universe, he will have finished his work and have spoken all the words he ought to speak, and all his words will have become facts. When God comes to earth in the end time, he lets people know him by performing the ministry of the word, so that they can from his word see what he is and see his wisdom and all his wonderful deeds. In the Age of the Kingdom, God conquers all people mainly by his word. In the future, what comes to every sect and circle and every nation and denomination will also be the word. God conquers people just by his word, causing all of them to see that his word is with authority and power. So now what is before you is only God’s word.

The words God speaks in this age are different from the words he spoke in the Age of the Law and are also different from the words he spoke in the Age of the Grace. In the Age of the Grace, he did not do the work of the word but only mentioned being crucified to redeem all mankind. The Bible only mentions why Jesus had to be crucified, what sufferings he underwent from being crucified, and how people should be crucified for God. In that age, all that God did centered around the work of crucifixion. In the Age of the Kingdom, the incarnated God speaks forth words to conquer all those who believe in him. This is “the Word appearing in the flesh.” In the end time, God comes just to do this work and to fulfill the practical significance of “the Word appearing in the flesh.” He only speaks words and there are seldom facts coming. This is the substance of the Word appearing in the “flesh.” The incarnated God speaks forth words, and this is the Word appearing in the flesh, that is, the “Word” coming into the “flesh.” “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh,” and God will accomplish this work (the work of the Word appearing in the flesh) in the end time. This is the final work in the entire management plan. So God has to come to earth to manifest all his words in the flesh. God speaks clearly about all the works he ought to do at the end time, such as, what he does today, what he will do in the future, what he will accomplish, the destinations of people in the end, what kind of people will be saved, what kind of people will perish, and so on. All this is for the purpose of fulfilling the practical significance of “the Word appearing in the flesh.” The words in the administrative decrees and in the constitution issued before and the words about what kind of people will perish and what kind of people will enter into rest will all be fulfilled. The incarnated God is mainly to accomplish this work in the end time, letting people know where those God predestined will go, where those God did not predestine will go, how people will be classed as God’s people or God’s sons, what Israel will be like, and what Egypt will be like. In the future, all these words will be fulfilled one by one. The pace of God’s working quickens. By means of speaking, he makes known to people what he does in each age and what the end-time incarnated God does and the ministry he performs. All these words are for the purpose of fulfilling the practical significance of “the Word appearing in the flesh.”

Before, I said, “All those who seek to see signs and wonders will be cast away and none of them are the ones to be perfected.” I have spoken so many words, yet you do not know anything about this work. Even up to this point, you still seek signs and wonders. Do you believe in God for seeking to see signs and wonders or for receiving life? Jesus also spoke many words at that time, and they have not all been fulfilled even today. Can you say that Jesus is not God? God testified that he was the Christ and was God’s beloved Son. Then can you deny that? Now God only speaks words. If you cannot know this clearly, you cannot stand. Do you believe in him because he is God or according to whether his words are fulfilled? Do you believe in signs and wonders or believe in God? Now God does not perform signs and wonders; is he God or not? If his words are not fulfilled, is he God or not? Is God’s substance determined by whether his words are fulfilled? Why do some people always want to wait until God’s words are fulfilled and then believe in him? Doesn’t this show that they do not know God? All those who have such a notion are ones who deny God. They measure God according to their notion, believing in God if his words are fulfilled and not believing if his words are not fulfilled. They always seek signs and wonders. Aren’t they Pharisees of the present age? Whether you can stand depends on whether you have knowledge of the practical God. This is something very crucial! The more the reality of God’s word is increased in you, the more you will know God’s reality, and the more you will be able to stand in trials. The more you seek to see signs and wonders, the less you will be able to stand, and you will fall in trials. Signs and wonders are not the foundation. Only God’s reality is life. Some people do not know the results God’s work aims to achieve. They muddle along all day and do not pursue to know God’s work but always seek to have God satisfy their desires before they decide to believe seriously. And they say that if God’s words are fulfilled, they will pursue life, and if not, it is impossible for them to pursue life. People treat believing in God as a matter of seeking to see signs and wonders and seeking to go to heaven and go to the third heaven, and no one says that he believes in God for pursuing to enter into reality, for pursuing life, and for pursuing to be gained by God. What is such a pursuit worth? Those who do not pursue to know God and to satisfy God are not ones who believe in God but ones who blaspheme God!

Now do you understand what it really means to believe in God? Does it mean to see signs and wonders? Does it mean to go to heaven? It is not an easy thing to believe in God. Now the religious way of believing should be abolished. The religious way of believing means to seek after God performing miracles, seek after God healing the sick and driving out demons, seek after God bestowing peace and sufficient grace, and seek after the flesh having a future and receiving ease and comfort. Believing in such a way is a vague belief. Today what does practically believing in God mean? It means to receive God’s word as the reality of your life and to know God from his word and thereby truly love him. To put it more clearly: To believe in God is for the purpose that you can obey God and love God and fulfill the duty a created being should fulfill. This is the purpose of believing in God. You must reach the point where you know God’s loveliness, know God’s venerableness, and know that the work God does on created beings is salvation and perfection. This is what you should at least attain in believing in God. To believe in God is mainly to turn from a life of the flesh to a life of loving God, to turn from living in your naturalness to living in God’s being, and to come out of satan’s domain and live under God’s care and keeping, so that you can obey God instead of your flesh, let God gain your whole heart and perfect you, and break away from your corrupt satanic disposition. To believe in God is mainly to let God’s great power and God’s glory be made manifest in you, so that you can carry out God’s will, accomplish God’s plan, and bear testimony for God before satan. You should not believe in God for seeing signs and wonders or for the sake of your own flesh, but for pursuing to know God so that you can obey God and obey even unto death like Peter. The main purpose is to achieve this. Eating and drinking God’s word is for knowing God and satisfying God. Through eating and drinking God’s word, you can know God better, and then you can obey God. Only when you have knowledge of God can you love God. You should achieve this purpose. This is the purpose people should believe in God for. If you always expect to see signs and wonders in believing in God, this means that your viewpoint of believing in God is not right. To believe in God is mainly to receive God’s word as the reality of one’s life. When people can practice all the words from God’s mouth and have them fulfilled in them, God’s purpose will have been achieved. In believing in God, people should pursue to be perfected by God so that they can obey God and obey God in everything. When you can obey God, make no complaint, care for God’s will, and grow to the stature of Peter, having the style of Peter as God has said, you will have succeeded in believing in God, and it will be a mark that you have been gained by God.

God works in the entire universe. All those who believe in him will have to accept his word and eat and drink his word. No one can be gained by God through seeing God perform signs and wonders. Throughout the ages and generations, God perfects people by his word. So, you should not always set your heart on signs and wonders but should pursue to be perfected by God. In the Old Testament Age of the Law, God spoke some words. In the Age of the Grace, Jesus also spoke many words. After Jesus spoke many words, the apostles and prophets after him asked people to practice according to the laws and commandments he set down and to experience according to the principles he spoke about. In the end time God mainly perfects people by his word. He does not suppress people by signs and wonders to make them believe and obey. That cannot manifest God’s great power. If God only performed signs and wonders, God’s practicalness could not be manifested and people could not be perfected. God does not perfect people by signs and wonders but waters and shepherds them with his word, so that they will obey in everything and know God. This is God’s purpose in working and speaking. God does not perfect people by means of performing signs and wonders but by his word and by various ways of working. Refining, dealing, pruning, or supplying by the words, he perfects them by the words spoken from different angles so that they will know his work better and know his wisdom and wonderfulness better. When people have been made complete at the end time for God to end the age, they will be qualified to see signs and wonders. When you have the knowledge of God and can obey no matter what God does, you can see signs and wonders, because you will not have any notion about God’s practicalness. Now you are a corrupt man and still cannot be obedient in everything; can you be qualified to see signs and wonders? When God performs signs and wonders, it will be the time he punishes people, the time he changes the age, and even more the time he ends the age. When God’s work is being carried out normally, he does not perform signs and wonders. It is a very easy thing to perform signs and wonders, but it is not God’s principle of working and is not God’s purpose of managing man. If people all saw signs and wonders and God’s spiritual body appeared to them, wouldn’t they all “believe”? In the past, it was said that God would gain from the East a group of overcomers, who had come out of the great tribulation. What does this word mean? It means that these people gained by God have gone through judgment, chastisement, dealing, pruning, and all kinds of refining and thus have true obedience. Their “belief” is not vague but practical. They have not seen any signs and wonders or seen any miracles and cannot speak out any profound words and doctrines or any profound seeings, but they have reality, have God’s word, and have a practical and true knowledge of God. Can’t such a group of people better manifest God’s great power? The work God does in the end time is a practical work. In the age of Jesus, he did not come to perfect people but to redeem mankind, so he performed some miracles to cause people to follow him. This is because he came mainly to accomplish the work of crucifixion, and performing signs was not a work within his ministry. Those signs and wonders were a work done for achieving the results of the work, which was additional and did not represent the work of the entire age. In the Old Testament Age of the Law, God also performed some signs and wonders. But today the work God does is a practical work, and he absolutely does not perform signs and wonders. If he did so, his practical work would be disturbed and could no longer be carried on. If he says that he perfects people by his word, and yet he also performs signs and wonders, then can people be revealed as to whether they truly believe? So God does not work that way. People have too many religious things within. God comes in the end time just to rid them of all the religious notions and all the supernatural things within them, and cause them to know God’s practicalness and cast off the image of the vague and unrealistic, or non-existent, god. So if you have the knowledge of the practicalness now, this is treasure! The truth triumphs over everything. How much truth do you have now? Is anyone who performs signs and wonders God? Evil spirits can also perform signs and wonders. Are they God? In believing in God, people should seek the truth and pursue life but not signs and wonders. This should be the purpose all people believe in God for.

from The Word Appears in the Flesh

From: Grow in Christ

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